Sleep Walking

I used to dread sleep
A time you dive into a blackwater of nothing
I would lay on my stomach in bed
But always wakeup elsewhere from where I laid my head
One day I had a deathly fever and fear of nothing was taking hold of me
Drenched in cold sweat my body slept walk over to a balcony staircase
In my dream I tripped at the top of the steps
Falling to my doom (death)
But instead, I woke, and I was living
Levitating above the steps
My dreams then on became my reality
And life became clear
No longer inept
No longer diving into slumber but through life into a welcomed death
Praise god for I can fly
I have no fear
I'm ready to die
I'm ready to die
Won't be able to touch me when I'm living in the sky
Living in the sky
Living in the sky
Evermore what was never before
Ignore the future to restore
Fiction to our before
Rewrite us the victor
Unwilling for what's in store
There is no amount of twisted imagery to contrive
Vile enough to shock an Americans violent twisted mind
When a point to prove thought more valuable than human life
We sacrifice our own kids
So that we can be right
Hardest men on earth never serving time
Cops rather pin it on a stranger than arrest they friends really committing the crime
Test me I wanna

My defense great
Cross my line of scrimmage
Hit you have your team diminished
So, you can't rob another day
Can't make another play
Like when Joe Theismann got ran through by LT
Your green if its sounding like Pooty Tang
Maybe you don't know the slang
Book of the devil wrote by lawyers
Ill tom sawyer you into laboring for my pocket
Give it to you but convince you don't got it
I blast my music windows rolled down
One glimpse at me and his ass turns around
Because he knows I don't fucking give a shit
One look in my eyes and he knows it will be the end
To me humans just another expense
I don't betray myself I trained to hit the block like it was Fallujah
.50 caliber hit the car and whole top flew off
Neutral I'm my own team cuz my money is mine
I am my truth
I project reality outward and the world comes to terms with me
It's not my concern to explain myself
When it's their concern to investigate me

I sold Mary Jane so good they thought she was a white girl
Without a tolerance the green will rock your world
Pay framed gossip need no marketing once everyone knew my place
It was too famous to operate
Harkening demons
I can't change my face
So, I changed my pace
Lay traps for snakes
Drop inaccurate info to see where it regurgitates
Then stop the leak at the weak link
Correct the mistake

Writer(s): Jacob Caudill
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