Grey Eye

For the first and last time, I'm calling you out
No patience for the ignorant
No mercy for the belligerence
No excuses for the indifferent
No forgiveness for a world gone blind
Mankind has detached itself from humanity
Voiceless and vacant, lifeless gaze peering through grey eyes


At least I have the strength to admit that I am only human
Recognition of dependence is the first step to redemption
Hold yourself responsible, you can only shift the blame for so long
Vacant mind stare into the abyss, naively following nothing

Blindsided by the ignorance
Condemned to live in anguish
Grey eyes
You dug your grave now go and fucking lay in it
Where's the accountability?
You cannot hide from agony
Grey eyes
You dug your grave, now go and fucking lay in it

Focus on the influence
Your temperament
Call forth the muse of ailment
Eternally, marching onward toward nil
Ever the same unchanged, the modern-day leper

Disengage yourself from the truth
Haemorrhage misery
Bleed yourself dry

No patience for the ignorant
No mercy for the belligerence
No excuses for the indifferent
No forgiveness for a world gone blind
Mankind has detached itself from humanity
Voiceless and vacant, lifeless gaze peering through grey eyes

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