Coughing Nails

Breathe in the pain

When your fellow man reaches out to you searching for an outlet
Will you shy away, forcing them to stand alone?
Or will you raise your hand, take them by the shoulder
Hold them close to you, offering reassurance?

I've seen so many friends suffocate under the weight of heartache
Choking through tears I hear, nails that bound their coffins

What happened to compassion?
Does consolation scare you so deeply?
There's no merit to an empty promise
Stand strong for those in need, we're in this together

Breath in the pain
Choking through the tears

It's always baffled me how sincerity is so hard to find
When you muster strength to open up, condolences are superfluous
So, cherish dearly those who are the lifelines
Ensure you preserve that unbreakable bond

I've seen so many friends suffocate under the weight of heartache

What happened to compassion?
Does consolation scare you so deeply?
Choking through tears, do not shy away
Burst forth the pain, welcome that sweet release

Breath in the pain

Coughing nails

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