Kingdom Called

Have been chosen
Not by critics
Or by mere mortal men
But by my Creator who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
His name is King
He loves me so dearly
That He has called me
From darkness
Into His glorious light
He has given me the tools
And armor to fight
With His Word
That cuts like a two-edged knife
Am victorious

With the Blood of Jesus Christ
I have the power to overcome strife
It is the spirit of wisdom and knowledge
That I can discern false prophets
It is in His grace and favor
That I can go higher
Higher than any genie
Or fortune teller can predict
Cause see
He is God
And it is already written
My destiny has been stamped
Mailed and sealed
My purpose had been revealed
Many claim to listen
But I tell you I hear
I have heard with my spiritual ears
That salvation is only and by God's will
According to first Peter 2:9
Are a chosen people
A royal priesthood
We belong to God
Which means there's nothing to hard
Or impossible to conquer
When you put Him first
Everything else will follow
God knew us before we were even formed
So that means
When Dick, Harry, Sally and Tom
Tell you, "you can't"
Just say, "you don't know the mighty God I represent"
Cause see
God has promised us nations
So we cannot succumb to the world's mindset
Or limitations
My God
Can't be put in a box
God is about to take me
God is about to take we
To place we won't even be able to comprehend
So I tell you my friends
It is a blessing
To be chosen

We've all heard this before
That many will be called
But only a few will respond
So I praise God
That I am among the elect
I have made the conscious decision to accept
His word
My calling
And the one true Messiah
I don't fear that roar of the lion
Which would be
As we all know
The enemy
So to all those the haters
And false prophets
Who endeavor to ensnare me with their traps
I roar back
With that God-like authority

Will not be easy
To be chosen
Comes with great responsibility
This Christian walk
Comes with a great deal of hardship
Just as the book of John says

But I tell you the reward is worth it
Just to see those Kingdom gates open
Just to hear my Father say, "WELL DONE"
I will take on
All suffering
And persecution
Because on that day of Judgement
When I stand before the SON

I will rejoice
In the fact that
Was chosen

Writer(s): Candace Lippman
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