The Word

In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
He was in the beginning with God
And all things were made through Him
And without Him nothing was made that was made

In Him was the life
The life was the light of men
The light shines in the darkness
The darkness did not comprehend

He was in the world
And the world was made through Him
And the world did not know Him

He came unto His own
And His own did not receive Him
But as many as received Him
He gave the right to become children of God

To those who believe in His name
Who were born not of blood
Nor of the will of the flesh
Nor of the will of man but of God

And the Word became flesh
And He came and dwelt among us
And we beheld His glory
The glory of the Father's only Son

Now this is what John had to say
He was sent to prepare the Way
He said He who comes after me
Is preferred before me
And His sandals I am not worthy to untie

I am the voice of one crying
In the wilderness
Make straight the way of the LORD
As the prophet Isaiah said

I am The voice of one crying
In the wilderness
Make straight the way of the LORD
As the prophet Isaiah said

And John said I baptize with water
But there stands One among you
Whom you do not know
Behold! The Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world!

And we beheld His glory
Full of grace and truth
And we beheld His glory
Full of grace and truth

His fullness we have all received
And grace for grace
For the law was given through Moses
Yeah, but grace and truth they came through Christ

In Him was the life
The life was the light of men
The light shines in the darkness
The darkness did not comprehend

To those who believe in His name
Who were born not of blood
Nor of the will of the flesh
Nor of the will of man but of God

I am the voice of one crying
In the wilderness
Make straight the way of the LORD
As the prophet Isaiah said!
Make straight the way of the LORD
As the prophet Isaiah said!
Make straight the way of the LORD
As the prophet Isaiah said!

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