
My guilt weighs heavy that the hardest months of my adult life
Were your first four, we had to stay inside
It plays havoc on my mind, unsettles me to find
That I wished away a single second of your time
While the world outside fell eerily quiet
Tears of that new world, stealing our silence
A trying soundtrack to the issues of your mum and I
Loneliest Christmas, almost saw our loves' demise
But then you conjured that smile that makes
Our troubles seem so many miles away
You both showed us how to stay compound
It's our job keep YOU up, not the other way around
You bloomed from wintery constraints
No lockdown could taint, restrict or contain
The innocence displayed on your happy little face
Ignorance was bliss, reality was frayed

I've no right to be so sad
When you look at me like that
In a world gone so mad
You make me want to fight back
How can you hold that
Innocent smile that
Lights up our dark space
Your expanse, glows star shaped

My son... I know you'll be a better man than I've become
And have the strength to weather these storms I've been hiding from
I'm a dying sun, you're a giant one
And when my light is done you'll keep shining on
But while this light is on, I'll illuminate your growth
These words won't suffice to communicate my oath
For you I'd take a road into any unknown
As long as you are there to greet me when I come home
I hate that anyone would ever hurt you
I guess that's a reflection of my world view
The world doesn't deserve you and neither does the human race
But your innocent addition, an improvement made
You came to show us, miracles can happen twice
Took a portion of my life, a willing sacrifice
You are the truth, in a world of fallacy
The missing piece to complete our little family

I've no right to be so sad
When you look at me like that
In a world gone so mad
You make me want to fight back
How can you hold that
Innocent smile that
Lights up our dark space
Your expanse, glows star shaped

Writer(s): Antony Castiello
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