Dwight Eisenhower (A Life)

October 14, 1890, sometime late that night
Ida Eisenhower gave birth to her third son, Dwight
He finished high school in '09, and in '11, he
Entered the Army's West Point, because tuition was free
He wed his girlfriend, Mamie in the middle of '16
Then trained tank crews at Gettysburg, had their first son in-between

Sadly, Doud, their first passed away at the age of three
In '22, their second, John, completes the family
His rank advanced to General by 1941
Then, Dwight's Supreme Commander of the North African invasion
Then, Dwight was in charge of Europe and helped to plan D-day
And worked well with the other allied heads and got his way

Ike! Eisenhower
34th to preside
His strategic skills helped him to be the nation's guide

The war ended, he wrote memoirs, headed a university
Then, with reluctance, he became the Prez in '53
He worked to contain Communism, corruption, and the debt
A highway system, establish NASA, and their budget
Dwight ended the Korean War with threats that nukes be sent
But got complaints for playing golf instead of government

'Ike' ended his two terms in '61, and in his speech
Warned of the Military-Industrial Complex overreach
Ike died in DC on March 28th, of '69
From his seventh heart attack, as his health was in decline
His legacy was always in an optimistic state
His face was on the dollar coin, '71 to '78

Writer(s): Dennis Nowicki
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
