Syrian Dunes

On the streets of Damascus
A young girl cries out in vain
She says
"I can't even remember my own name"
Walking these sandy streets of Saladin
Decayed for endless years of hurt
To think the ruins that I'm in
Were once the center of the world

It reminds me, that nothing lasts forever
And everything will come to an end
It's sad to think about
Everything we've lost
To time
Will it happen to the towns of mine?

On the streets of Damascus
Our hero stands today
He says
"I've been through too much, I don't see shit"
Walking these sandy streets of Saladin
Destroyed by mindless culture purge
To think the places that I've been
Could end like that is so absurd

It reminds me, that nothing lasts forever
And everything will come to an end
It's sad to think about
Everything we've lost
To time
Will it happen to the towns of mine?

On the streets of Damascus
A young girl cries out in vain
She says
"I can't even remember my own name"

Well there's a place where you can go
Where the streets are paved with gold
Nothing like what you've known
Where the sands are filled with snow
It's a place you can call home
Where the lights shine on your throne
We all want to be there too
Right by those Syrian Dunes

Well, it seems to oversell itself
Have the authors visited this hell?
The utopia that I was sold
Seems to be a lie in stone

Surely they would never lie
Maybe I'm just on the wrong site
The grass is greener on the other side

The home was a mirage
Just plots of salt and sand
I was lied to and that will not stand
I must escape at last
But I've forgotten my tracks
This place where I could go
Was a trap with no way home

I see a bright light shining before me
Stuck here with a solitary shed
Should I see what's inside it?
Or is it just a trap again?

The crack there in the door
I think I see the stars
The cosmos trapped inside my tiny box

Something's not right
But I don't know why
I guess I'll go inside
And if I don't make it out alive
Then I'll just have to accept my fate
To find the answers it's the only way
As I walk inside the orange room
I'm greeted by a stranger's view

Well the shed was bigger on the inside
I'm getting confused by this place
A wizard sits in front of me
And says this wasn't a mistake
He read a passage from a book
"You've found a clue but you're still stuck"
I tried to ask him what it means
But he just gave a note to me

I read the words on the parchment
Written so perfectly
"There's troubles in a dark parliament"
"It's better to stay here with me"
As the note could still be seen
I took a look away to breathe
And when I set my eyes again
And it said, "The second clue would last 6000 years"

Taking minutes for moments
I tried to understand what he said
Although it didn't make sense at first
The second clue stuck in my head
What would last 6000 years?
Beside these Syrian Dunes?
Then I remember when I first came here
I saw 6000 too

On those sandy streets of Saladin
I saw some information thing
Said, "This place has been here for 6000 years"

Understanding the second clue
I must go back to what I knew
But wasn't it better to stay right there with him?

He's giving me conflicted instructions
And I don't know what to do about them
I went back in the orange room
But it was never like I knew

The wizard somehow had got lost
So I leave to locate him at once
But when I left the orange room
I had a familiar view

I'd travelled from Palmyra to where I knew
I had to find that information board
But when I had returned at once
It seemed to say a different thing
"The third clue is atop this building!"

And when I looked up to the sky
Flags had changed, I don't know why
I asked where everyone had gone
"On the refuge train to Lebanon!"

Well there's a place where you could go
Where the streets are paved with gold
Nothing like what you've known
Where the sands are filled with snow
It's a place you can call home
Where the lights shine on your throne
We all want to be there too
Right by those Syrian Dunes

Well, not today my friend
I'm not falling for that again
The orange room was fun and all
But I don't know where the wizard's gone

And who's the man who's selling land?
I recognise his voice, is that?
The wizard is the lying man
I'm finding out that truth at last

He picked me out right from the mass
Said, "The fourth clue will be your last"
Ok, I'll give him one more chance
"Conflict might start so flee this land!"

I need to find a way out
I need to find a way out
I need to find a way out
There's nothing I can do now
There's nothing I can do now
There's nothing I can do now
So many people have been lost
I see the things that you do not
Escaping Syria in rot
Will I make it past the sandstorms?

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