The Drifter

Its the word extrodinare, I been murderin chords & snares
Since before I could afford my first pair of Jordan Airs
Went from importin foreign wares to tourin & performin there
Ended up formin a fortune over the course of our formative years
From never conformin to their philosophies
But honestly, most of my are mornings I'm probably
Hungover over on the bar
Like this line that doesn't fit
Properly, (sound weird?)
Posture like an apostrophe - but it don't bother me
Now follow me back to junior high where I
Never let shit past me but I'm walking around that bitch
Glassy eyed, nasty high, but was still a classy guy
Teachers used to ask me why I came late to class
With my dank stanking ass
Said "I can take a nap & still get the grades to make the pass"
I was just wanna blaze & rap
On stages at like 5 nights a week
Teach said that if you stay that path ya life is like a lottery
Said it's not a gamble
Its my odyssey just watch & see (catch my drift)

I'm just a Drifter, I go from place to place

But on this path I'm walking I get lost in my zone
She been known a lack of caution is just the cost of the road
And that it tends to happen often when criss crossing the globe
She'll be missing me while I'm gone but be pissed off when I'm home
Thinking I drift off when I roam
But I'm only blown by the wind in my boat sails
If the suit fits I rock it but ain't riding no coat tails
Whether lining up dro sales or climbing up show bills
Found my dreams but now it seems that ain't how both feel

But I got no time to take a break, I'm living like its make or break
Won't let my paper wait, there ain't no fronts
You gotta pay per weight
Wait - I don't use paperweight
The weight I place in safes on lake estates will break the bank,
So all cake I saved for rainy days ain't got no expiration date
Where it says "use by" - the space is blank
So every time I cruise by her face is stank
So she think its safe to say that

I'm just a Drifter

But sometimes I aint sure, writin until my brain sore
Remember drivin stolen rides past the tides on lake shore
Rhymin till I can't no more, been raisin hell - since the age of 12,
The south shore to the blue line be the only way I take the L
Unless we passin it, we was less than compassionate
Never questionin or asking if our actions was accurate
In the past we savages, out here pillagin villages
Young in the slums numb to jays lessons of dillagence
On the quest of my pilgrimage
Except my Mecca is really
Just any effort or willingness to reflect on what really is
Why I get stressed by the silly shit,
When there's the plight of modern man?
Mom said God gotta plan, but till I see the promised land
Won't stop doin all I can to help us reach the pinnacle
As & leave behind the cynical ego-driven individual
As I transform from a criminal into what I was meant to do
But I guess I always knew that I grew past being the drifter

Writer(s): Justin Diehl, Michael Walpole
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