High Stakes

What is this, a race for first to show most sadness?
The way my tears run down my face
Their very fastest
And I'm gasping for air
Like I've just tried my best for champion
What even are we
Trying to champion?

Are we competing for the Nobel Prize in disease?
Turning ourselves into rotting, vicious, heartbroken zombies
Shouting "it's not over till someone admits it's all their fault!"
Where's the use in that
The use in that at all?

Why all the high stakes?
It's over
The jury's been out
We both lost some time ago
So, let's quit the lobbying
And, can we stop being
So obsessed with whether
It was all rigged from the get-go?

Are you still vying for best actor in a leading role?
'Cause the way we've strung this out
We'll end up tied in that for sure
So, if you've gotta make a speech
Make it now, make it brief
Before the music starts cutting you out

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