Not Going Anywhere

Are you coming?

Hope you're doing well
But know I won't reach out
'Cause we both deserve a fresh start, a clean slate
Still, I can't seem to forget
The numbered days we spent together
Do you think of them ever?
No, I don't want to be alone
In this reminiscent zone
Stuck scared that there won't be better and I'm
Not going anywhere
So, if you're ever there
Would you

Meet me in the moment
Back before shit hit the fan
Just making out and talking
Up until it's 3 am
Trying to leave, but can't help
Looking in each other's eyes?
I wanted to never have to go

So, meet me in the moment
In the morning
In your shower
Chin nested on your shoulder
The water rushing down us
Hands in your wet hair
Looking in each other's eyes
I wanted it always like this

So, meet me in the moment
In your basement
On a Sunday
The dim light on your bare chest
Sighing with your mouth wide open
Telling me your fantasies, then
Looking in each other's eyes
I really thought that you were my big break

So, what now that this life is everything I was afraid of
Uninspired, boring, tired
Well, how's that for your art, huh?
Still stuck in this movie
But it seems there's no plot left
So, why haven't the credits started rolling yet?

Alright, quiet on set!
Let's do one more for safety
This is "Jude Grant, The Real Thing" Take 3

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