The Dawn of a Revolution

No individuality, we're all clones. Robots made out of skin and bones
No individuality, we're all clones. Dumb people, smart phones
This is the dawn of a revolution, we're in the darkest hour
You people as a whole don't realise your power

Working class has turned sour, growing wise to the lies
And every time I spit bars, I open new eyes
And make them realise they're controlled by TVs in their homes
Brainwashed into routine, robot worker drones

Make them realise they're slaves to the banks and the throne
When it was us that built the cities and the streets they own
Unforgiving, they use religion to cause division and start wars
But their children won't fight for them, so they use yours

For dirty chores, man that makes my blood boil
They're not fighting for freedom, they're dying for oil
And you're wrong if you think we're right and we're the good guys
You need to look a little closer at our closest allies

US defence budgets, 800 Bill right.
That could end world poverty five times overnight
Instead they fight people they trained and then armed
Like Osama Bin Laden in 79

It sounds crazy, I know, but you better believe me
Cause these are facts, not conspiracy theories
They sold their land from the natives, siphoned oil from Asia
They built their whole nation with African labour

If you disagree with them, then they'll invade you
To me that sounds more like terrorist behaviour
I pray to no god, kneel to no man
I bow to no royal, I'm loyal to no gang

I pray to no god, kneel to no man
I bow to no royal, I'm loyal to no gang
We live in a world of greed and consumerism
Material objects show the depths of our narcissism

We use the weakest stepping stones to get to the top
And measure success by the amount of money that we've got
The more I look around, the more I think mankind has peaked
As technology advances, intelligence retreats

Plagued by this futuristic curse
It's numbing our brains like evolution in reverse
It hurts to think of all the young boys and girls being raised this way
In every single corner of the world, all slaves to the system

From our first breath carved into citizens
Who are just like the rest, self-centred
Narrow-minded and blinded by greed
Don't give a fuck about the next guy or what he needs

And it's happening right here
The United Kingdom, where homeless people sleep on floors outside empty buildings
That's not united, that's us neglecting one another
We treat each other like strangers instead of sisters and brothers

That's what we are, so we need to help each other along
Try imagine everything you've been taught up to now is wrong
You don't need countless possessions to make you happy
All you need is love, respect and common decency

And if you've got food and shelter and water to drink
You're probably a lot richer than you think
I pray to no God, kneel to no man, bow to no royal, I'm loyal to no gang
Think, don't listen, don't conform, create

Rebel, give em hell, question everything, debate
Everything they ever tell you, till this bullshit stops
Pick the locks on Pandora's box
Out em and expose em, don't back down like a bitch

Gentrification of a nation, being robbed by the rich
In life all you do is give it your best shot
But the rich get richer, while the poor just rot
You know your future's already been scripted

Your thought process already encrypted
Buy a house, settle down, chase a career
In between advertisements, watch the news with fear
Keep going to work, keep paying your taxes

Keep shitting out kids, like you've taken laxatives
And raised em to worship the state and throne
Until we've got a whole army of worker of drones
No individuality, we're all clones

Robots made out of skin and bones
No individuality, we're all clones
Dumb people, smartphones

Writer(s): Jace Thompson
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