Sicilian Defense

Do you ever feel like the world's gone insane
Your future's being flushed down the drain
By those in power then they're bucking the blame
Sometimes I feel like my whole life's a game

And at the bottom you've got pawns, pieces like you and me
The foundation of this structure called society
And us pawns, we're like puppets, controlled by strings
And pulling on them is the bishops, rooks
queens and the kings
Next up, you've got the knights, that's the horse of course
The whole justice system, military and police force
Who enforce without thought, Follow orders blind
And keep all the other pawns below them in line

Do you ever feel like the world's gone insane
Your future's being flushed down the drain
By those in power then they're bucking the blame
Sometimes I pray, but I'm praying in vain

Cause next up, you've got religion, that's the bishop you see
But don't confuse this bullshit with spirituality
I'm talking perverted pastors and holy wars
And a church that collects donations then prays for the poor
The governments, the rooks, crooks in disguise
They're full of lies and they pull the wool up over our eyes
And they make the pawns vote so they feel they've a voice
But it's a two-party system, the illusion of choice

Do you ever feel like the world's gone insane
Your future's being flushed down the drain
By those in power then they're bucking the blame
Oppressed by the empire and the monarchy's reign

Cause next up, you've got the queen, the royal family
Who colonise through genocide, enforce hierarchy
And we sing, long live the king, now the old queen is dead
But while we all starve they wear gold on their head
And at the top you've got the king, the banking cartel
Debt is their product, it's a prison they sell
You see they finance wars and fund both sides
Cause profit's more important than pawns and knights' lives
Do you ever feel like the world's gone insane?
Your future's being flushed down the drain
By those in power then they're bucking the blame
Sometimes I feel like my whole life's a game
Cause I've been trapped like a criminal, I've been locked up I've been searched simply for the way that I look
A victim of a system that's corrupt
And then you wonder why I don't give two fucks
Police brutality, that's my reality
Mad at the system and the system's mad at me
I won't go quietly, fuck society Cause it created this hate inside of me
So shout in my face and I'll shout back at you
Intimidate me and I'm gonna attack you
Back me in a corner and I'll bite you back
Treat me like a criminal, I'll be just that
Give a man a gun and he'll rob a bank
Give a man a bank and he'll rob the world
Give a man a gun and he'll rob a bank
Give a man a bank and he'll rob the world
Give a man a gun and he'll rob a bank
Give a man a bank and he'll rob the world
Give a man a gun and he'll rob a bank
Give a man a bank and he'll rob the world
Do you ever feel like the world's gone insane?
Your future's being flushed down the drain
By those in power then they're bucking the blame
Sometimes I feel like my whole life's a game

Writer(s): Jace Thompson
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