goodbye song

Hi honey, just reaching out to say happy Friday
Give it your best, this is it
I know you're probably super tired
Channel your inner spirit guides
And all that God has brought you to this point
So you can do it
I'm with you in spirit
Give it your best
Doing an awesome job
Just think, twenty years from now
You'll be thinking back to that third tired day
Of recording
And you'll say
"I did it"
Bye, love you

This is my goodbye song
Don't get me wrong
I loved meeting you
But it's time to move along
He implored, "stay for tea"
I said no thank you, I have people to meet

I get my peaches by the dozen
And my attitude by the trigger
I said "if you weren't so entitled
I think you'd pull girls much quicker"

He said "let's get close, let's get low"
I said "You're desperate and it shows"
I got my p's
So mind your q's
It's time to switch to the next face that's new

This is my goodbye song
Don't get me wrong
I loved meeting you
But it's time to move along
And he implored, "stay for tea"
I said no thank you, I have people to meet

I've written and burned sixteen letters
Eden has an obsession with nightshades
Just like mine with how quickly life fades

I've been to Austin, been to Nashville
Been all around the Creek
I told my therapist about you week after week
So buy me a peach basket
And a bottle of lemonade
And I promise I'll be yours until life fades

This is my goodbye song
Don't get me wrong
I loved meeting you
But it's time to move along
And he implored, "stay for tea"
I said no thank you

This is my goodbye song
Don't get me wrong
I loved meeting you
But it's time to move along
He implored, "stay for tea"
I said no thank you, I have people to meet

This is my goodbye song

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