Prostitute Genocide

These reverberations of noise strike the walls
To prove your deafness
To prove your blindness
To prove that you are wasting away your life
Which you barely deserve.
Before my descendance towards the abyss of dark deities
My hands were smeared with vermilion fluid
Rushed from the gates of garbage
The ignoble scent of ovaries intoxicated all senses
Yearning for a realization of my own feebleness.
Before the comminution of a bread commenced,
I beseeched to keep a slave unassailable
Something precious to me back then
Alas, now I regret and repent.
In silence's grand conspiracy, I am well-versed
I can discern the porcine facade of a woman
False accusations and abuses I have endured
Self-destruction is no stranger to a mere slave like me
My words, beyond your ken, are inscrutable
Your fragile poetry pales in comparison
Evil courses through my veins, yet I choose silence
Lies, truth, and secrets, all laid bare before me,
Beyond the knowledge of your forefathers, do I perceive?
The mere utterance of my art spreads a contagion of fear,
A fear, so palpable that it lays bare the weakness of your prayers.
Alone, I stand, unflinching, having witnessed how people devolve,
Their fleeting nature, a testament to the ephemerality of life.
Yet, amidst the desolation of my solitude, there emerges a silhouette,
A lady accoutred in white,
Emblematic of the very essence of isolation.
A ghost that stirs the depths of my ocean, aching and unforgiving,
Her countenance, an unfathomable enigma that haunts me still.
She killed
She killed
She killed
Trust me, she killed me.

Your cunt speaks lies
You are worthless anyways, all the same, fucking garbage.
The rancid scent of clotted sanguine matter adhered to my organ
Diverges from the aroma emanating from contusions endured
The hour is nigh for me to extend an overdue debt of reciprocity
The hour is nigh for me to herald a campaign of martial fervour.
In my mortal bracket, the amalgamation of fallen angels resides
My very cells, a symbol of absolute dominance
The world, but a mere slave to my supremacy
All shall succumb, indiscriminately, to my relentless reign of terror.
They pray to the same God above,
Born from their own delusions,
Who showed me suffering, without a cause
The epitome of pride and hate, pure in form.
I am the embodiment of pain, a manifestation of the vile chasm
My torment is immeasurable, my agony never-ending
You, mere pests, have barely glimpsed the surface of my suffering
My scars run deep, my wounds never fully heal
Your tales of despair pale in comparison to my endless strife
Your narratives of woe are but mere fabrications
For you have never experienced the true depth of agony
You know nothing of the darkness that consumes me
You know nothing of the horrors that haunt me
Your lives are but mere illusions, fleeting and insignificant
In the face of my eternal pain and suffering.
Oh, your father serves a fascist scheme
While your mother sells her body in a brothel
You exhibit tenderness for the sinners
And worship your rapists and the pedophiles.
Cosmic Fetus
Abortion commences
The mother is raped
And she deserves to be again.

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