Our Ladies Anno Domini

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Hired a stand-in
'cause everybody knows
That suffrage show
Must keep on goin'
Lucretia Mott
Her soul was bought
And sold off again
By The Company Store

Joni Erickson and
Babe Diedrickson
Were playin sports out
On the YWCA courts
Golda Meir was near
And started the fire
Which none
Of the ladies could put out

Mary Magdalen and
Mother Theresa
Bought their tickets
Hopped up on the
Front seat of the bus
And they
Whispered in the driver's ear
"Hey buddy, get us outta here"
And neither of them
Waited round for us

Mrs. Rosa Parks
Went stumbling through the dark
To ride with Florence Nightengale
On the Freedom Train
And they and Clara Barton
Were shakin' hands and partin'
By the time the Sun
Was rising in the East

Louisa May Alcott
And Sojurner Truth
Rode their bicycles
To the carnival
To the elephant ear booth
And Martha Washington
And poor Janey Pierce
Laughed their way
Through the house
Of funny mirrors

Sally Ride and
Bonnie's Clyde
Ran off together
On a rocket ship
To see the moon
Bonnie and Anne Frank
Were left here robbin' banks
'til Annie was taken
By the goons

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