
The Letter to the Hebrews Rhymes
God spoke through prophets, now the Son
Through whom the whole world was begun

He is the radiance of God
The divine substance in a pod

The cleansing of our sins is He
Enthroned beside the Majesty

"Let all the angels worship Him."
"Your throne," says God, "shall never end."

"The earth and sky in place you've lain
And when they perish, you remain."

His message we cannot ignore -
Salvation, which God underscores

Now everything beneath him placed
For everything, death he did taste

He calls us brothers, Jesus does
As we are tempted, so he was

So dwell on Jesus, he's the best
Superior to all the rest

For Moses, honor is in store
The builder of the house gets more

Don't let sin's lies draw you away
Exhort each other every day

For faith in God is great relief
Accept his rest through true belief

The Word of God, a flaming sword
Not one thought can escape the Lord

We must give an account to Him
He knew temptation, but not sin

As priest, atonement he does bring
And like Melchizedek, a king

You must move past the basics still
And God permitting, soon you will

But those who turn and fall away
Will in the end have hell to pay

To taste the gift, then leave the Name
Subjects the Son of God to shame

But you have better things to come
God made a promise, count it done

About Melchizedek the priest -
Was king of righteousness and peace

A priest not by the law ordained
Perfection not by law obtained

So of this order, Christ's priesthood
It meets our needs, for he is good

By oath, his priesthood does not end
Forever on Him we depend

The better covenant is new
He serves the tabernacle true

No longer shadows shown in parts
He'll write his laws upon our hearts

The earthly place a symbol for
When God would open up the door

Draw near to God with hearts sincere
With faith assured and conscience clear

Together and with hope proceed
Provoking love and loving deeds

If, knowing truth, you still choose sin
What dreadful trouble you are in

Instead stand strong with confidence
Enduring treasures you have hence

Do not shrink back and be destroyed
Have faith, then life ahead enjoyed

Now faith is hope with certainty
It's proof of what we cannot see

By faith we know that God declared
And all existence was prepared

By faith a better sacrifice
Did Abel give, got paradise

By faith did Enoch please the Lord
You must believe to get reward

By faith did Noah build an ark
And onto righteousness embark

By faith Abraham up and went
He knew not where, just he was sent

By faith did Sarah life receive
Though past the age, she did conceive

By faith these lived and then they died
Believed what God said, he'd provide

They felt as strangers on this earth
God's built a home, much more it's worth

By faith Abraham passed a test
High stakes - to God he acquiesed

By faith did Issac bless his kids
By faith then Jacob, Joseph's did

By faith then Joseph did discuss
What would become the exodus

By faith a Levite man and wife
Defied the king, saved Moses's life

By faith then Moses chose God's path
Chose Christ and feared not pharoah's wrath

By faith they walked by water wall
By faith they watched Jericho fall

By faith then Rahab helped the spies
And thus did not meet her demise

By faith some went on great campaigns
By faith some, too, endured great pains

With such examples, cast off sin
And run your race as if to win

Your eyes on Christ who makes you whole
You won't grow weary in your soul

When hardship comes, then think within
"This is God's love and discipline."

He teaches those He counts as sons
Though in the moment it's not fun

We're stronger once drills we've withstood
He disciplines us for our good

Now live in peace not bitterness
Don't live for sex or godlessness

You've not come to a mountain dying
With fire and brimstone, terrifying

You're at the city heavenly
That's filled with joy and men made free

Be locked into God's firm domain
So when he shakes, you will remain

Be glad you're in the kingdom higher
Our God is a consuming fire

Keep showing hospitality
Avoid all immorality

God won't forsake or disappear
He helps you so you've none to fear

Be mindful of the ones who lead
As they behave, so you proceed

To teachings false, though, do not stray
Christ is the same on every day

He bore disgrace and so can we
Our future home we can foresee

So praise the Lord, do good, and share
Heed those who lead your souls with care

The God of peace make you complete
To do His will, fragrant and sweet

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