
Chapter twenty seven. The Revelation Rhymes

Enjoy this message God gave through
His son, an angel, John, to you

All praise and power and glory be
To Christ who paid our penalty

Now clean we serve our God because
He always is and always was

John, exiled 'cause he preached the Word
Was in the Spirit when he heard

A voice that said, like trumpet sound
"The things you see, go write them down"

By golden lampstands, Son of Man
With golden sash and stars in hand

His hair like snow, his eyes ablaze
His face like sunshine's brilliant rays

His voice like rushing waters roared
And from his mouth, a two-edged sword

John fell and at his feet he laid
But then God said, "Don't be afraid."

"I am the First, the Last, the One
Death and the cross, I've overcome."

"Now write this down, it's meant to guide
The seven aspects of my bride

I know you, Prophet, have endured
By none who lie have you been lured

But where's the love you had at first?
Now change your heart, I'll quench your thirst

Dear Servant: I know times are hard
Still more the devil will bombard

Be faithful when the pain is rife
And I will give the crown of life

Then Teacher: I know Satan's there
That you hold fast and don't despair

Though, even when a brother dies
But why do you put up with lies?

Reform the teachings I've deplored
Or I'll correct them with my sword

The victors will then, I proclaim
Get hidden bread and a new name

Encourager, I know your works
In victory I'll give you perks

Authority from near to far
I'll also give the morning star

But you put up with Jezebel
Whose so-called secrets come from hell

I'm sending hardships to her kind
Then you'll know I search heart and mind

Now Giver church, I have bad news
I see through your religious ruse

Repent and ever-watchful be
Like those who get to walk with me

And Leaders: See the open door
That, through your weakness, strength I pour

To keep my word and to endure
To keep your heav'nly crown secure

To those who have the Mercy gift
Don't think you're rich when you're adrift

The lukewarm make me want to puke
Because I love you, I rebuke

Be earnest, turn away from sin
I'm at the door, just let me in

And if you trust in me alone
I'll let you join me on my throne."

Then after this, an open door
Led John to heaven to see more

The Lord was seated on a throne
He shined like brilliant precious stone

And men with crowns of gold surround
While voices, flames, and thunder sound

Four creatures that each have six wings
They never rest but always sing

"Almighty God, past, future, now."
The men throw down their crowns and bow

"You're worthy God, none higher rated
For by your will all was created."

Now in his hand God held a scroll
That none could open, not a soul

Until a Lamb with seven eyes
He took it, for he qualifies

Because he purchased with his blood
A people once just filled with crud

Now clean and serving God as priests
Sing praise that never shall be ceased

The scroll Christ held had seven seals
Each one a plan of God reveals

He opened one, a horse all white
Was sent with crown to win each fight

The next, a horse all fiery red
Took peace from earth - men killed men dead

The third seal, a black horse unveils
Its rider with a pair of scales

The fourth seal brought the Grave and Death
A pale horse who, with every breath

Where God allowed them, killed with ease
By sword, by famine, by disease

Then when the fifth seal was unsealed
Beneath the altar was revealed

Those who for preaching met their fate
They asked for justice, told to wait

The sixth seal changed the universe
The unredeemed saw things get worse

An angel sealed the heads of some
So they avoid the wrath to come

All praising God, a countless swarm
Then there was silence 'fore the storm

Our prayers as incense to God rose
Then fire came from trumpet blows

The first burned earth and grass and trees
The second turned to blood the seas

The third brought down the Wormwood star
Which ruined waters near and far

The fourth took out one-third of light
"But oh", cried one, "the coming blight"

A trumpet blew, the fifth one this
And locusts came from the abyss

They didn't kill, they just brought pain
That those without the seal sustain

Then trumpet six sent those assigned
To kill a third of humankind

Yet people, still, they chose to steal
To manmade idols still they kneel

Then said an angel down from heaven
"God's purpose comes with trumpet seven."

John walked up to the angel great
He took the scroll, which then he ate

He learned that two would prophesy
Till more than three years had gone by

An evil beast will come and kill
They'll lay unburied, dead and still

The lost will laugh and celebrate
Till God makes them both stand up straight

When God says to the two "Come here"
The people learn that God's to fear

And then the seventh trumpet blew
What was proclaimed was coming true

The whole world now is his domain
And always God and Christ will reign

Then those in heaven fell face down
To praise the God of great renown

Two signs: A woman great with child
Next to a dragon huge and riled

The baby would be dragon's prey
But God stepped in to save the day

Swept up the child, saved the mom
The dragon blew up like a bomb

Then there in heaven was a war
It's Michael's versus Satan's corps

The outcome never was in doubt
The devil's side was all thrown out

Now stuck on earth and furious
He aimed to be injurious

To those who would not bow or cow'r
So to a beast he gave his pow'r

And all the people worshipped it
Whose names weren't in the holy writ

It slaughtered saints and beat the pure
If you're there then, one word: endure

A second beast, skilled at deception
Forbid all trade, with one exception

Those on whose hand he does affix
His number, which is six six six

The pure were singing on Mount Zion
Before the Lamb who is a Lion

Three angels made the truth well-known
"Fear God and worship him alone"

An angel then was told to reap
The harvest came in one big sweep

Then those whose souls were grabbed like grapes
Not one who's due God's wrath escapes

Meanwhile the faithful stood to sing
"Great are you God, and just, our King"

Then angels stepped out on the path
To get the bowls filled with God's wrath

And these were poured out one by one
Till from the throne God said "It's done"

Then John was shown, from new location
Mother of Abomination

The city who loves earthly things
And rules the ways of worldly kings

In drunken luxury does thrive
But at God's Word, will not survive

And at that Babylon the great
Who boasted and loved goods ornate

Devoured souls and fanned desire
Was suddenly consumed by fire

Then "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord"
A multitude in heaven roared

Salvation from God glorified
Now marriage for Christ and his bride

So blessed are those at wedding feast
Who join the Lamb and catch the beast

And catch deceitful prophet too
Their armies killed, Faithful and True

With victory over insurrection
The martyrs rose, first resurrection

They rule with Christ a thousand years
Till Satan, unbound, reappears

Fights to prevent what must transpire
He's thrown into the lake of fire

Before the throne, truth can't be fudged
By King of Kings, each will be judged

"Behold", said God, "I make things new
I am the first, the last, the true

The spring of life will thirst relieve
But not for those who don't believe."

The Holy City then came down
A cube five thousand miles around

With walls of jasper, streets of gold
A brilliant glory to behold

There is no sun and yet no night
For God himself is city's light

Right in the city sits his throne
He'll live with us and call his own

His face we'll see and love we'll feel
His crops will quench and sate and heal

Be blessed and keep his words till then
I'm coming soon, says Christ. Amen

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