No True Scotsman

Converse with me now
Please tell me the truth
I've told you my name
So who are you?
And how do you do
And what's on second?
Share information 'fore I become impatient
Say that again
Are you this or that?
No matter how you feel, say a simple fact
Expatiating monotony
You utter senselessness
But alas, it's all homogeny
Utterly meaningless
No true Scotsman wouldn't stop and come say hi
No true Scotsman would get tired of this greeting
No true Scotsman wouldn't look me in the eye
No true Scotsman would stop socially competing
No true Scotsman would fail to speak their language
No true Scotsman forgets to maintain their attention
No true Scotsman would question what is average
No true Scotsman thinks of straying from convention
Nota bene:
Primum, fac oculus contactus
Secundo, auferat unum bracchium sed es non contractus
Tertio, communi studio invenire
Per aperta finita quaestiones
Quarto, ut alter loquitur, dicere affirmationes
Tandem, collocutor salutare
Eorum affectio considerare
Et haec quaestiones interrogare:
Quomodo spectat me?
Respondet longior vel brevior?
Quid cogitat me?
Fecit oculus contactus?
Attendit ad me, non fractus?
Amavit mecum colloqui? (Did they love to speak with me?)
Vultne semper iterum me loqui? (Or would they never want to do it again?)
Converse with me now, once more
I'll tell you my secret
Quickly now
Before a different conversation's secant
It's all the same
We replay it over and over
The idols and tenets held upon one's shoulder
They're weighing us all down, keeping us from growing
That's why I smalltalked, my ego is narrowing
That's why you'll never be one of us
Why you'll never be respected among us
You betray our traditions and expectations
In a way that no one can trust
Kein wahrer Schotte findet ihre Muttersprache schwierig
No true Scotsman wouldn't look me in the eye
Nur ein wahrer Schotte würde konversieren wollen, wirklich
Only a true Scotsman would bethink to say goodbye
Mein Herr
Es ist unwahrscheinlich dass sie sich irren nicht
Aber warum auch Wahrheit durchaus?
My dear sir
With respect, I need not choose from your options
Why the hell should I expect to become a true Scotsman?

Writer(s): Jon Christian Dittmer
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