
In the quantum dance of time and space
Where particles and waves embrace
A universe of thought unfurls
In every atom, star and world

This consciousness expands like light
Bosons push, electrons excite
And when energy grows and the past only shrinks
And neurons fire, synapses link
The expansion increases still faster, we think

Could intent be in impulse and spin
Are galaxies where thoughts begin
Dark matter dreams, black holes observe
Every quark is a string and a nerve

The Planck time ticks, a scale so brief and small
Yet space grew exponential
Then matter thinned, the light diluted
These physics can be well computed

As if created by a mind, not human, alien or divine
By particles with hidden sense, is spacetime an intelligence?
Infinitesimally small but also immense?

In every star's potential and position
A glimpse of thought, a recognition
The cosmic web, a vast connection
And dark energy its clear detection

Are we just parts of neurons of a brane
In a universal grand domain
Does gravity pull thoughts together
In cosmic bounds that hold forever?

This symmetry is not expected
But maybe simply not connected
Although for many theorists
These thoughts are just philosophies

If infinite the universe
And entropy cannot reverse
At some stage in the future far
What happens when the final star
Goes nebular?

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