Table of Contents

What an unspeakable privilege- to talk about the Holy One
His wondrous acts and might and the sacrifice of His Only Son
Disclaimer: turn this off now if you want a worldly substitute
But turn the volume up- Hear me if you sincerely love the truth
So focus, we have much to do and little time to do it in
My job is done if this encourages you to commune with Him
To get a bigger view of Him we gotta dive in deeply though
Six million forms of communication like C-3PO
By nature all of us are blinded to divine reality
And we would stay in that state if God didn't give us eyes to see
But now that He has opened them, our view is panoramic now
Although it's through a dark glass, it's new and not Adamic now
It's true and kind of tragic how at one time we had spite for Him
And whether religious or irreligious we were fighting Him
The elect- Jesus died for them, Holy Spirit enlightened them
And now the works of God are studied by all who delight in them

God's glory is manifest in creation
Enough to leave us naked without justification
For rejecting Him and yet it's not enough for salvation
In order for us to be saved, we need special revelation
God predestined that all the elect would know forgiveness
By leaving us an open witness in the Holy Scriptures
Plus any good discussion on the topic of divinity
Must begin with the glorious doctrine of the Trinity
One being in His essence, the number of persons- three
Perfectly unified in diversity eternally
Father, Son and Holy Spirit: immortal, invisible
Primordial, mystical, made a portal into the physical
In splendor for ages arrayed, in order to make it displayed
Creation was made, the earth's foundations were laid
And everything at first was fine
Until we drank the serpent's wine, which was actually turpentine
The poison left us cursed and blind with perverted minds
God determined to search and find us and in His perfect time
The Seed was given birth, the Redeemer hit the earth
Just to free us from the curse, so that we could see His worth
This was all according to God's preordained election
A people for His possession proclaiming His perfections
And though for many this lyrical content's not exciting them
The works of God are studied by all of those who delight in Him

Table of contents: We'll speak of Jesus' greatest accomplishments
The faithful God and His amazing providence
I state with confidence we're going all the way in
With a lyrical exposition of Psalm 110
It's quite dramatic assuming you like Fantastic Humans
Divine and man communing in the Hypostatic Union
We'll talk about the Holy Spirit, His work and His ministry
The gifts and the fruit of the 3rd Person of the Trinity
Book recommendations, Q & A, it's all there
We'll talk about the devil and spiritual warfare
Regeneration, predestination all featured
We even made a song to warn you of false teachers
Without apology we'll take an end times odyssey
And I will be explaining where I stand on eschatology
And though for many this lyrical content's not exciting them
The works of God are studied by all of those who delight in Him

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