The Millenium

In spreading Christ's aroma, I've been a lot of places
Stood on many stages, seen a lot of faces
One question I've heard a thousand and ten times
"Yo Shai, tell me what's your thoughts on the end times?"
In certain circles, I get all kinds of looks
When I tell them I disagree with the Left Behind books
Some get hostile, I tell them it's not the gospel
Plus we shouldn't take our theology from a novel
Or tradition- no need for tension or division
Because many Christians have embraced different positions
I do have a view, but I admit I could be wrong
This is secondary to the gospel we agree on
So this is non-essential bro, I'll still defend it though
I hold to the view known as Amillennial
Songs this is not typical, it's difficult
But I intend to show you exactly why it's Biblical

We in the last days, it's the end times
No time for the spiritually thin rhymes
Yeah, gotta infiltrate your section
With Christ's death, burial and resurrection
And when He comes back, see the sky crack
Where you at? Yeah, it's like that
And when He comes back, see the sky crack
Where you at? Where you at?

So what do I mean when I say Amillennial?
It's kind of complicated, I'll try to keep it simple though
The primary Scriptural passage for meditation
Is found in the 20th chapter of Revelation
According to the Amillennial interpretation
Christ's death on the cross greatly hindered the works of Satan
Bound him so he could no longer deceive the nations
John 12: 31- See the correlation?
Revelation 20 4 explains the present
Reign of the faithful beheaded saints in heaven
And that's the point- Christ reigns from where He's at now
At the right hand of the Father since He sat down
Ruling in the midst of His enemies, they're hostile
Extending His Kingdom through the spread of the gospel
But when's the millennium? You might find it pretty stunning
The whole time between Jesus first and second coming
His first coming was the kingdom inaugurated
His second coming will be the kingdom consummated
And yes, there's a rapture- still, this is clear
The rapture doesn't mean Christians will disappear
It means they'll be caught up, changed in a moment
The blessing of all who've been saved through atonement
His coming won't be secret though and this is a fact
When Jesus comes back, it's a wrap!

The New Testament speaks of two ages, son
That's the present evil age and the age to come
This age has murder, hate, we yearn and wait
The next age? A burning lake, eternal state
One question to ask if you hold a different view
Which age does the things you're reading about fit into?
Something for your study I want to share and give
Revelation contains seven parallel narratives
And what they're describing? Again it's pretty stunning
The time between Christ's first and second coming
The thousand year reign is not literal or physical
But Christ will return in full glory and visible
A few final comments, some food for thought
Keep your eyes on Christ, not the news reports
And even if we disagree, true believers hum with me
Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

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