Strange Attractors

Somebody cry flow
Hear my cry
Fear my mind
Shear my hide

Strange attractors
Hear my cry
Angry backwash
Fear my mind
Stagelesss actors
Shear my hide
I've never felt. Welcome the swell

This island's an escape and a spirit guide
Be mindful of what you take and what you leave behind
On my, "Every day's a longer yet" weekend grind
Tie your kites up loose then maybe we can glide
I watch the whitecaps from the attic while my body aches
I took a summer in the sun, no holidays.
Let's go away for a while to a distant place
Work and drink our faces off then stare into space
I'll try to memorize a couple different constellations
It's so mesmerizing. I've never been a navigator
The Big Dipper's handle reaches toward the North Star
My inner compass has been disoriented so far
I like to visit the waves and ride their temperament to
Skeletons then melt into the shore. I've never felt this way before
To think I dealt with a divorce then see my shelter as a hostel dormitory
Got me awful claustrophobic under
Open skies and an ocean sighing and a cold wind
Crying from the north. And when that blows, men hide
I've never felt so invited to die. I've never felt so alive
Who's keeping score? Who keeps our time? Remorse is divine
I've learned I'm difficult for no reason
I might have started a cult with no leader. My bad
But I'm miserable and I'm leaving
That is, once I've finished my sentence. No feels
But this is someone else's dreamscape and they've seen things
And I'm curious but deviant and pray for my freedom
This stage don't need another understudy with connects at the local
We already got a guy for the hard stuff. I'm awful

I'm a puddle. Have you ever been a puddle
Have you ever lost your ego in puddle
I'm a puzzle. (I see trouble.) That's a puzzling remark
I hope we touch and feel a spark. I know enough to be a puddle
I'm a puddle. Have you ever been puzzle
Have you ever had your self reduced to rubble in a puddle
No feels

Writer(s): Patrick Childers
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