
Then what can I say?
How can I disprove lies that are stamped with an official seal?
You can deny all the things I have seen
All the things I have discovered, but not for much longer
Too many others know what's happening out there
And no one
No government agency has jurisdiction over the truth

Enter the pentagon
Setting to set up bombs
Getting these letters to all of these senators
And then when it's said and done
I feel like a predator
I mean like I'm Skeletor
Been back from hell before
Man I can't take this shit anymore, raised on these metaphors
I metamorph into a Demagorgon
Settle scores with Stegosaurus
And I'm working on my chorus
Fighting these supernatural forces
Casting expecto patronum wherever I find that the Dementor is
I'm on my Voldemort shit
Cuz down on the surface
We see nothing gorgeous
Just all of these drugs in our veins and these opiates
Hold your horses, record stores aren't ready for these reservoirs of metaphors

Cast a vote and I mean it
I don't wanna be facetious
But I'm sick of these elitists
Tell them all suck a penis
Are you ready Dietrich?
Well that's my motherfucking secret
Michael Jackson, I beat it
And I ain't never been defeated
Fuck, I wrap like a burrito
Tripping out like The Beatles
Finding a spaceship I hop in and hit with the repo
I'm witty with words but you'll never gone get me to speak at the keynote
Inflating my ego
I don't give a fuck what I'm doing I'm killing this shit so illegal
I'm sicker than chemo
Or badder than evil
And the only time that I shoot second is when I go Solo and they call me Greedo

Ah man, goddamn, now I'm not playing
Fuck you to the old you, I'm Goku, super saiyan
Feds tryna control you, like a Roku, channel changing
Waking up hit your veins like a sip of cold brew, I'm amazing
Smoke glue like produce, feeling crazy

Oh wait you got me monologuing
Everybody get the fuck down on the floor of this lobby
You try to put me in a cage but I'm a free elf like Dobby
Now every vein in my body wants to rage against the machine
My first order of business is freeing those fucking aliens
Don't give me that look!
I know the government has got goddamn aliens somewhere
Like in Area 51 or wherever
Well, go get them!
My second order of business is showing my dick to these businesses
These corporate welfare thieves who act so fucking ridiculous
Exploit our labor, pillage and steal from us
And bully the masses because they think they're big enough

Okay Dietrich, you wanted us, we're here
Oh my god holy fucking shit those are real aliens
We come from distant galaxies
To witness humanity
But can you see the tragedy
Of all this earthly agony
Yeah, it's pretty bad, that's why I wanted your help
Humans can't even handle being different colors
Do you think that they could really handle aliens?
Just look at the way you're living
All across the world you oppress your women
You wanna go to space but half your population lives in poverty
And don't even get us started on how you treat your animals
But I freed you guys, right?
We thank you for granting us release
Now we can finally give your planet peace
Okay great, thanks, how?
By removing your species
Wait, like kill all humans on Earth?
That's the only way
To make sure the galaxy remains safe
But I don't wanna die I love the people here
Now you'll have peace

Oh, oh
Goodbye, goodbye
Oh, oh
Goodbye, goodbye

Writer(s): Dietrich Hanson
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