He's Always Near

Imagine a mighty person, like a general or a king
He can truly grant your wish, he can give you anything
But that can only happen, if the two of you will meet
And securing an appointment, is not an easy feat

You might see a mighty ruler, in the distance far from you
He can give all that you need, you might know that to be true
But all his might won't help you, if your cries he doesn't hear
So you're stuck with all your troubles, 'cuz the guards won't let you near!

Ki mi goy gadol, the Jewish People are unique
Asher lo Elokim krovim eilav, whenever we want to speak
Karov Hashem l'chol korav, our King is always near
We don't even need to raise our voice, our prayers He'll always hear

We Yidden have been chosen, from the peoples of the earth
It's the greatest opportunity, it's got tremendous worth
We get to sing His praises, in His Name we can call
We're connected to the One, Who created us all!

Ki mi goy gadol, the Jewish People are unique
Asher lo Elokim krovim eilav, whenever we want to speak
Karov Hashem l'chol korav, our King is always near
We don't even need to raise our voice, our prayers He'll always hear

He loves us like a parent, even if at times we're bad
He always wants to hear from us, that we're happy or we're sad
And even if He answers 'no', as parents sometimes will
He's just choosing what's best for us, we know He loves us still!

Ki mi goy gadol, the Jewish People are unique
Asher lo Elokim krovim eilav, whenever we want to speak
Karov Hashem l'chol korav, our King is always near
We don't even need to raise our voice, our prayers He'll always hear

Writer(s): Hillel Kapnick
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
