Time’s Up

Back of my mind something just hit me
Like a slap in the face I'm not taking it lightly
Was this invisible or was I just blind
To see this problem affecting all humankind
Empathy, honesty, acceptance, and equality
The freedom just to be who you wanna be
In this uphill battle I side with the underdogs
No ill will, just wanna start the dialogue
For too long I've been too silent
And I've seen too many situations turn violent
Was I afraid of what speaking out would bring
Or was I just guilty of the same thing?
Nevertheless feminism is the new campaign
Get rid of the fear and throw away the shame
Not a game, it's a belief deep down in my core
Now that I got something meaningful to fight for

'Cause the future belongs to those who believe
In the beauty of their dreams
Yeah the future belongs to those who believe
In the beauty of their dreams

Starts with what we call manly, girly, or gay
The reason children feel embarrassed or afraid
Is that pressure when society says
You gotta be this and that again and again
So let's ditch the old notions and stop the attacks
Using masculinity more toxic than anthrax
That's part of the problem in every single nation
A culture of domination rather than cooperation
Fifty-fifty, the population distribution
But we still have imparity in our political institutions
Inclusion is lacking in this world of ours
'Cause men are too insecure to see a woman in charge
And the challenges are as complex as they can be
Like how people often mistake feminism for misandry
What about when names of brave women get slandered
And the struggle of dealing with double standards
Stop telling women what to do with their bodies
Fools used to thinking they can abuse anybody
But blue or white collar you don't have to be a scholar
To know women make 80 cents for every man's dollar
And it's not too late to change
There's gonna pushback and there's gonna be pain
But each time someone expresses who they really are
The world becomes a better and more interesting place

'Cause the future belongs to those who believe
In the beauty of their dreams
Yeah the future belongs to those who believe
In the beauty of their dreams

There's a solution in there and I know that we can find it
All I ask is we be more open minded
Because a little effort can go a long way
Just wanna gain more support when this song plays
Though I know it's not much to write these lyrics down
Play this piano and say them out loud
It's just the start of what I wanna do
And a tribute to all the women I look up to
Wanna hear from all the workers and all the students
Aren't you sick of standing by? Come join the movement
To do this we need to whole-heartedly commit
'Cause this rising tide is gonna raise all ships
Look in the mirror recognize your worth
Realize equality leads to heaven on earth
But I'm no saint I'm no artist not a hero not a genius
Just a guy looking to empower those who hear this

'Cause the future belongs to those who believe
In the beauty of their dreams
Yeah the future belongs to those who believe
In the beauty of their dreams

Writer(s): Paolo Sebastian C. Alegrado
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
