Religious Devotion To Decay

I do not want the deep shit anymore
Fuck your profundity
Your philosophy your moralizing
Your ethical conundrums
And all the other haughty crap
Give me the pain
The suffering
The decadence
The wreckage of the human condition
Make me feel something
Raw and visceral
With blood and guts
I am drunk
Compliments to Jim Beam and Coke
Boiling with an implacable pugnacity
Towards the disembodied nature of existence
I want to beat the shit out of it
I want it to beat the shit out of me
I want to tear its skin all the way back
Exposing the vast horrors hidden underneath
Worming like parasites through the meat

A lot of shit does not make sense to me anymore
My comprehension of the world around me is like
Looking through opaque glass
People fucking confuse me these days
Too much disillusionment now stains the hollow
Cavity in my bourbon drunk eyes.
It has affected my vision
Lack thereof
Nothing left to behold in some graceful optimism
Only the mangy bleakness of lost hope
But everyone seems to be lying about this
In themselves distracting from the truth
By a constant immersion in media feeds
Behind a ubiquitous screen
There are no more dancers on the streets
Because no one comes out to attend their celebrations
For there is nothing remaining worth celebrating
No more possession
All the glorious mystique of strangeness
All the effulgence of creative madness
All the wild debauchery that liberated culture
It all lays in shards
Slivers of the broken mirrors smashed
After people were instructed programmed taught
To hate their own reflections to despise in themselves
What was intelligent strong courageous and dignified
To be replaced by imitation
To create new idols
From the images of deficiency
Of what the worshippers lack in themselves

The new gods have emerged
And they are ugly decrepit monstrosities
Aged and withered like over-ripened fruit
Mushy skin rotted peeling off
Insects crawl over them
Devouring the last remnants
Of anything sweet

This is what has become of the world
Religious devotion to decay
I am not a parishioner in their
Sediment church
I am only a spectator to their
Disturbing congregation

Now the flies are on the meat
Hatching larvae
That will feed upon the bacteria
Of what they have permitted to rot
They will die lonely deaths
In the quiet isolation of antiseptic institutions
Surrounded by parasites
Waiting to eat the flesh
They leave behind.

Writer(s): Trevor Paul Waller, Trevor Waller
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