Starry Eyes - Interlude

Yes this is the song
I was writing
But i couldn't quite finish
I think this gonna be the interlude
Okay, so this is completely
From my imagination
I ruu
Woo Woo
And I have a special thing
That I never do
Got my mic
Get the guitar
Can't wait to do this
I'm good now
Woo woo
Ahh ahh
I think
I'm all good now
(Ooo ooo)
We could make
I could stare into those
Starry eyes forever
This is how it feels
When you like someone
Butterflies in your stomach
You see them in the halls
Or they're in your class
You imagine and dream
Of them in your head
And how to talk to them
You ask your friends for advice
(Ooo ooo)
You're sad when you don't
See them in school
You're happy when they're there
(Ooo ooo)
This is how it feels
(Ooo ooo)
Then you go home
And listen to songs that
Make you think of them
(Ooo ooo)

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