
We're awaiting our government to step in
Pull us from this burning wasteland of sin
Let's ignore who lit the match and poured the gas
And just hold out our hands for some more cash
Because isn't that what leaders are for
To stop the bleeding and soothe us when we're sore
Fix our problems no matter what the cost
Without shameless amounts of aid all is lost

My government is looking out for me
This is how it should always be

We all make mistakes but why should we have to pay
We elect officials to make those things go away
Racking up woeful sums of inescapable debt
With an empathetic government to hit reset
The lessons we see speak of selfishness and greed
Dismiss any logic as the ends justify the means
And on our way up if we should somehow fall
The state is there with a great big net to catch us all

My government is looking out for me
This is how it should always be

So when you call for your government to save the day
Don't forget the politician's actually leading the way
And consider their corporate puppet masters above
And ask yourself if it's greed or compassion that'll come
If it's unicorns that come to mind in the end
Why keep up the fantasy and continue to play pretend

Writer(s): Christian Massey
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
