Compassionate Ways

"It's a funny old world," the inebriate said
Raising his tankard and shaking his head
He stumbled and, turning his back to the bar
He picked up his battered acoustic guitar

"I've written this new song for everyone here!"
He loudly proclaimed as he banged down his beer
"It's all about old times when we'd disagree
And quarrel and argue quite vehemently

Of halcyon days before we grew older
And learned to look constantly over our shoulder
Before we could know that we'd need to appraise
The cruelty of our compassionate ways

"It goes on to tell how we misrepresent
People as fascist who offer dissent
And others as racist who don't swallow whole
The virtue that we in our wisdom extol

So now, and without any further ado
I sing this for you of the humourless crew
For all of your foot soldiers and for your chiefs
And all fundamentalist righteous beliefs

I sing it for all those who'll sound off in praise
Of dubious modern revisionist ways
And lastly for all here who, following fashion
Defend all the cruelty in your compassion"

It met with a silence, and as you'd suppose
Created a shockwave; above all for those
Who'd raised up their glasses to lustily yell
The "Killing The Terf" song they'd memorised well

And then, as the noise levels started to rise
Somebody yelled out, "He's one of those guys
Who's often been told but refuses to know
Compassion was never more plainly on show!"

Whilst no one admitted to throwing the chair
That broke his guitar, seemed that everyone there
Was so disrespected that every man jack
Was minded to join in the final attack

So that's how he came to be flat on the floor
Soaking in beer and in whisky and more
The barroom was clear now; as you'll comprehend
Compassion was all they'd been there to defend!

The landlord was old-school, and stoically wore
The look of the guy who had seen it before
"It's true, boy", he said as he swept up the glass
"So often in vino, we'll find veritas!

You've picked up some bruises, but broken bones mend
And happily most of us know in the end
In spite of such minor, inconsequent crimes
We thankfully live in compassionate times!

"At least," he went on "it's like everyone says
'Righteousness moves in compassionate ways'"

Writer(s): Trevor Midgley
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