Crazy Gf

* Dialing numbers
* Phone rings

Boyfriend: Sexy mama, what's happpenin
Girlfriend: Where are you
Boyfriend: Uh, I'm on my way home
Girlfriend: Well, where are you
Boyfriend: Uh, I'm like 2 blocks away. I'm almost there, why
Girlfriend: Mmh hmm... why are you taking so long
Boyfriend: What do you mean why I'm taking so long
Boyfriend: I ain't been gone that long
Girlfriend: You've been gone for like an hour
Girlfriend: What have you been doing
Boyfriend: Dude, what the fuck
Boyfriend: The store is like, not that close yo
Girlfriend: It's a 10 minute drive, max
Girlfriend: Which means it's a 20 minute round trip drive
Girlfriend: What the fuck have you've been doing
Boyfriend: I was... I was... Dude, I was at the fucking store
Girlfriend: You were fucking at the store
Boyfriend: No! No... I mean I was at the fucking store, fuck face
Girlfriend: It does not take all that time to get get beer
Boyfriend: Dude, you're fucking tripping
Boyfriend: I told you I'm on my way home
Boyfriend: I'm literally just a few blocks away
Girlfriend: Yeah, well, you can go take your beers
Girlfriend: And shove them up your ass, you fucking asshole, OK
Girlfriend: You were probably out there fucking with some bitch
Girlfriend: While I'm out here, sitting here, looking stupid
Girlfriend: Waiting for my boyfriend to get home, but he's not
Girlfriend: Because he's out there swanging his little thang a lang
Girlfriend: With some nasty ass bitch
Girlfriend: Because he doesn't love me anymore
Girlfriend: Fucking asshole
Boyfriend: Babe, why are you crying
Girlfriend: Because fuck you, that's why

Writer(s): Jason Ortiz, Robert Hill
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