Fountain of Youth

"He who believes and is baptized will be saved;
He who does not believe will be condemned."
- Mark 16:16

Say "yessir" (yessir)
Say "amen" (amen)
Say "yessir" (yessir)
Say "amen" (amen)
Say "yessir" (yessir)
Say "amen" (amen)
Thank you, Kedrick (yessir)
Let's go (amen)

They ask "what happened to you?"
Ok, let me tell you the truth
Think I found the fountain of youth
He washed me and I became new
I looked up and the sky was blue
Fought the devil and he said "truce"
But I killed him, ripped him in two
And then danced on his grave like (Woooo!)

Who are you? bro, I thought you knew
Everybody want me to lose
Add another O cause I'm loose
Like an animal at the zoo
Sink my teeth into you and chew
And then spit you out, yeah I spew
Cause God said he hates lukewarm food

So I listen and follow suit
My discipline, my pursuit
Of happiness, they misuse
To make political views
Don't listen, turn off the news
If I ever had beef with you
I'd throw it up, make it "moo"
Cause I raise the steaks like the roof

They ask "what happened to you?"
Ok, let me tell you the truth
Think I found the fountain of youth
He washed me and I became new
I looked up and the sky was blue
Fought the devil and he said "truce"
But I killed him, ripped him in two
And then danced on his grave like (Woooo!)

They ask "what happened to you?"
Ok, let me tell you the truth
Think I found the fountain of youth
He washed me and I became new
I looked up and the sky was blue
Fought the devil and he said "truce"
But I killed him, ripped him in two
And then danced on his grave like (Woooo!)

You don't know me, you never will
You could never get me to chill
The same blood that He had to spill
Is what washed me clean, dog that's real
Do you wanna know how that feels?
I can break it down now for you
What He did to me can be done to thee, trust me, dog cuz it's true

First you hear the word, that's the start
Then believe it with all your heart
Then repent of the sins you did
Then confess that He is the kid
Of the Holy Father above
Who got sacrificed out of love
Then get fully submerged in water, no little sprinkle or scrub

Salvation, that is the plan
For the nation of sinful man
Demonstration of what He can
Do over and over again
It won't stop cuz it never ends
UG2 go give it a spin
Shoot all net, I don't need a rim
I stay Duncan on y'all like Tim

They ask "what happened to you?"
Ok, let me tell you the truth
Think I found the fountain of youth
He washed me and I became new
I looked up and the sky was blue
Fought the devil and he said "truce"
But I killed him, ripped him in two
And then danced on his grave like (Woooo!)

They ask "what happened to you?"
Ok, let me tell you the truth
Think I found the fountain of youth
He washed me and I became new
I looked up and the sky was blue
Fought the devil and he said "truce"
But I killed him, ripped him in two
And then danced on his grave like (Woooo!)

They ask "what happened to you?"
Ok, let me tell you the truth
Think I found the fountain of youth
He washed me and I became new
I looked up and the sky was blue
Fought the devil and he said "truce"
But I killed him, ripped him in two
And then danced on his grave like (Woooo!)

Say "yessir" (yessir)
Say "amen" (amen)
Say "yessir" (yessir)
Say "amen" (amen)
Say "yessir" (yessir)
Say "amen" (amen)

I love your soul, I hate your sin
I love your soul, I hate your sin
I love your soul, I hate your sin
I love your soul, I hate your sin

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