
"Do you not know that the unrighteous
Will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators,
Nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
Nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves,
Nor covetous, nor drunkards
Nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

(This is the one, this is the one...)
Y'all ain't gon' like this one
Y'all ain't gon' like this one
They are not gonna like this one
Nobody will like this one, okay?

I gotta mind my manners
I might end up getting cancelled on Twitter
(Its not Twitter)
Or is it called X now? (Yeah)
I think it's called X now (it is)
"Broad is the gate to destruction
Many there be that find it"


(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a

(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a
They gon' say that I'm a

(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a
They gon' say that I'm a
They gon', They gon'
They, They

(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a

Homophobe, misogynist
With racist right wing politics
Death to all the optimists
Blunts roll out like Optimus

Hate the truth, they gotta twist
Church and state don't let em mix
News debates that make me sick
Boys with boys and chicks with chicks?

God what kind of place is this...
Please step in and fix
Too much sin, satan equipped
Handcuffs round the nation's wrists

Sent His Son to die for this?
Saddest thing I ever heard
What good does that benefit
If they won't even hear the Word

For My Pre-Demise
(What's the buzzword?)
For My Pre-Demise
They gon' say that I'm a
They will

(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a
They gon' say that I'm a

(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a
They gon' say that I'm a
They gon', They gon'
They, They

(What's the buzzword?)
They gon' say that I'm a

Homophobe, misogynist
With racist right wing politics
Death to all the optimists
Blunts roll out like Optimus

BLM, the cops get pissed
We just want our chains and whips
Double cup, you gotta sip
(Double cup you gotta sip)

Hate your team? Go 'head and switch
Government accepted it
Hate your kid? Just kill that jit
Government accepted it

This is what the message is
This is what the message is
This is what the message is
This is what the message is

Hate your team? Go 'head and switch
Government accepted it
Hate your kid? Just kill that jit
Just in time to plead the fifth

They don't know who Jesus is
They don't know who Jesus is
They don't know who Jesus is
And God? They don't believe in it

Something's gotta give
(What's the buzzword?)
The judgement day comes for all
The judgement day comes for all
Everybody will be judged

(What's the buzzword?)
No matter what your plight is
Recreational drinking
Homosexuality, pornography

(What's the buzzword?)
Whatever you are addicted to
You will be judged by it
Whether you wanna think so
Or not

(What's the buzzword?)
It's simple as that
Don't shoot the messenger
Or do
I really don't care

I love your soul, I hate your sin
I love your soul, I hate your sin
I love your soul, I hate your sin
I love your soul, I hate your sin

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