Dear Indigo,

Dear Indigo

Through the prism of life your entrance inspires me
Enough to create love songs without instruments
No drum can compare to the rhythm of my skipping heartbeat
No horn can better alert the masses to your brilliant incandescence
Guitars can't strum like the heartstrings played by your first giggle
The confluence of joy and surprise still harmonize in my daydreams
88 piano keys showcase 360 degrees of blessings
And lessons of what true love is
It's you!
Your name has deeper meaning than most will ever know
Your birth took away all my blues
Sunshine through my tears create a rainbow effect
The perfect intersection of creation and evolution
And though the added responsibility makes me nervous
I know like your nickname it too has a purpose
Indigo my Indigo
Indi for short
But not like the car
More like the independent person you are... destined to be
With two writers as parents what else could you be
I pray we encourage your creativity properly
Everyday I watch you explore your surroundings
Continue to push boundaries for knowledge sake
Today it thrills my soul
But later it will kill my sense of control
But I promise to never dim your spirit in the midst of my anxiety
Your spiritual well-being is among my priorities
Along with responsibility, morality and personal security
I love you
You take away all my blues

I watch your eyes light up when I return from a prolonged absence
A shriek-filled acceptance
Bring smiles of resonance
Eliminate feelings of guilt and repentance
You love enough to shorten your memory for my benefit
My distance, you acquit... for now
But tomorrow is not guaranteed to be similar
So I must stay connected
Or suffer the consequences of the neglected
And disrespected
I miss you
You take away all my blues

You are the drum beat of my musical soundtrack
Without you I am less than whole
I love you to my very soul
You take away my blues
Leaving only jazz rifts over hip hop beats
Your playlist is always on repeat
My sweet Indigo
You are the drum beat of my musical soundtrack
Without you I am less than whole
I love you to my very soul
You take away my blues
Leaving only jazz rifts over hip hop beats

Writer(s): Robert Daniels
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