
I'm volatile
But at the same time
I'm fragile as fuck

My momma told me
My experiences and my bad luck
Will be the reason I succeed
Be the reason I see
A million other lonely people
Feelin just like me

Inside a world of such turmoil
And hate and greed
I'm going crazy in my room
Wondering how I should be
Wondering how I could breathe
Slip away in a dream
Try my best to escape
This same reality

I wanna play barbies in my room
Wanna play barbies like a kid
Wanna get lost in my own fantasy

And never ever quit, no
Never ever end the game
Never ever be the same
Never ever succumb to
The reality of pain

I had this dream
That guaranteed that I
Would never die
Because they've been playing my music
While I'm up in the sky

But the pressure to succeed
Always eats me alive
And the pressure to believe
In myself all the time is too much

There's a monster
And she's looking at me
Getting closer
I can finally see
The self hatred
My worst enemy
This is what you wanted baby

I'm volatile
But at the same time
I'm fragile as fuck

It doesn't come down to talent
It only comes down to luck
It's more about who you know
More about who you fuck
Less about what you sing
And more about who you suck

'Cause there's an army
Of women that I need to inspire
I need to travel the world
I need to set it on fire
With the lyrics that feel
So very real to me

Connect with a generation
That's so desperately in need
Of a voice, of a girl
Who's gonna say it for real

No sugar coating the shit
To make it have more appeal
No sugar coating the shit
To make it fly off the shelf

It's not about pleasing the people
It's more about liking myself

But Mr. Industry says
He's got no space in his lane
'Cause mr. industry thinks that
Every woman's the same
Pit the women against
Other women for fun
And convince us that the crown
Was only meant for one

I had this
Big - wig - who's - this
Pointy shoes, suck my dick
Dude from the industry say
My song's just weren't it

Dude you're old
Just retire and go
You're not my demographic bitch
You're a fuckin dinosaur

There's a monster
And she's looking at me
Getting closer
I can finally see
The self hatred
My worst enemy
This is what you wanted baby

There's a monster
And she's looking at me
Getting closer
I can finally see
The self hatred
My worst enemy
This is what you wanted baby

Momma told me I was special
Momma said when I was young
Momma said I could
Have everything
If I kept on pushing on
Only had to keep it up
Never let them put me down

All these people
That doubted me
Looking pretty stupid now
I don't want riches and fame
I truly wanna make a change

I wanna channel my anger
I wanna channel the rage
I have this power in me
This dedication and drive
I've been down on my knees
'Til I respawn and revive

And I'm back in the ring
Another blow to the side
Another hit in the head
They wanna kill me and tried
They wanna watch me give up
I sometimes feel like I could

But then my momma
Reminds me
Why I never ever should

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